Clinets most asked and answers to those questions can be found below.
How far can you reach with a blower truck?
We can reach up to 800 ft or more. We can go over, under or around fences. We can go up 32 stories high.
How much can you carry on your trucks?
We can carry up to 70 cubic yards depending on the weight of the material we are installing.
How large of an area does the truck need to park in?
The trucks range from a 45-foot straight truck to a 56 foot tractor trailer
What types of materials can we install with the blower trucks?
We install playground chips, green roof soils, soil mixes, mulches and just about any other type of bulk landscape materials.
How long does an installation take?
It depends on the type of materials being installed. We can install 60 cubic yards of playground material in an hour. Heavy products such as soils, we install about 20 cubic yards of material an hour.
How quickly can I get my job scheduled?
Depending on the time of year. The typical turnaround time is about 1 week.
What type of jobs are best suited for a blower truck?
Blower trucks are best for large open areas. Tree rings and small beds are best installed by our maintenance crews. Most residential jobs are best installed by hand by our maintenance crews.
Are there any price differences if a blower truck is used?
No our pricing is the same no matter the method of installation. We use the most practical method possible to complete each job.
Do you offer price breaks based on volume of material installed?
Yes we do offer discounts based on the volume of material installed.